The Dual Return on Investing in Quality Early Childhood Programs View Summary

Enhancing quality early care and education can offer a win-win solution for re-mobilizing the workforce, developing an up-and-coming talent pool and increasing economic activity now and in the decades ahead. In this webinar and accompanying summary, research by expert economists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is paired with the return on investment findings from Professor…

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Statement View Statement

As Congress contemplates a major tax overhaul, it has the opportunity to generate revenue and a healthier national economy by helping parents with the costs of quality early childhood education and care. One important tax credit strategy comes to the forefront as an effective solution: increasing the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) to…

Shareable Graphics: Gender Differences in the Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program View Share Graphic

These graphics highlight key research takeaways in the Gender Differences in the Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program paper. As with most early childhood studies, they find that quality early childhood education benefits low-income children, but they also find significant differences by gender. Although all children benefit most from high quality care, girls show some…

Getting our heads around Head Start View Statement

There has been much talk about Head Start and its effectiveness after President Obama recently proposed a comprehensive national plan for early childhood development. Opponents of the plan claim the National Head Start Impact Study (NHSIS), released in December 2012, shows that government investment in early childhood development is ineffective—a generalized conclusion that is neither…

The Dynamics of Capability Formation Presentation View Presentation

Professor Heckman was invited to speak at the HDCA 2015 Conference as the keynote speaker for the Amartya Sen Lecture. The presentation offered recent research on the economics of creating flourishing lives, discussing the importance of cognitive skills, character skills and health.

2015 Water Cooler Conference Presentation Watch Video

On March 23, 2015, Professor Heckman gave the keynote address at the annual California Early Learning Water Cooler Conference, hosted by the Advancement Project. Drawing on new and longitudinal research, Professor Heckman made the case for refocusing public policy on cost-efficient evidence-based investments in young children and families to reap significant social and economic benefits,…