The Dual Return on Investing in Quality Early Childhood Programs View Summary

Enhancing quality early care and education can offer a win-win solution for re-mobilizing the workforce, developing an up-and-coming talent pool and increasing economic activity now and in the decades ahead. In this webinar and accompanying summary, research by expert economists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is paired with the return on investment findings from Professor…

No Fadeout. Lasting Effects. Watch Video

Our video highlights the benefits to children who receive high-quality early childhood education and refutes critics’ claims that gains fadeout. The vast body of research shows that high-quality early childhood education has lasting effects for disadvantaged children. Children arrive at school ready to learn and build upon early skills development.

No Fadeout. Lasting Effects. Watch Video

This video explains the concept of fade up, not fadeout. It illustrates the misconceptions of basing lifelong achievement on third-grade test scores, and how success in life stems from more than cognitive factors.

2015 Water Cooler Conference Presentation Watch Video

On March 23, 2015, Professor Heckman gave the keynote address at the annual California Early Learning Water Cooler Conference, hosted by the Advancement Project. Drawing on new and longitudinal research, Professor Heckman made the case for refocusing public policy on cost-efficient evidence-based investments in young children and families to reap significant social and economic benefits,…

Medical Compliance Starts at Birth Watch Video

New research from Professor Heckman and colleagues shows that quality early childhood programs that incorporate health and nutrition help prevent chronic disease. Findings reveal substantially better health in the mid-30s with a lower prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, such as stroke and diabetes. Click to read the full research paper or…

The Heckman Curve View Share Graphic

The Heckman Curve shows that the highest rate of economic returns comes from the earliest investments in children, providing an eye-opening understanding that society invests too much money in later development when it is often too late to provide great value. It shows the economic benefits of investing early and building skill upon skill to…