The Dual Return on Investing in Quality Early Childhood Programs View Summary

Enhancing quality early care and education can offer a win-win solution for re-mobilizing the workforce, developing an up-and-coming talent pool and increasing economic activity now and in the decades ahead. In this webinar and accompanying summary, research by expert economists at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is paired with the return on investment findings from Professor…

Perry Preschool: Intergenerational Effects Research Summary View Summary

Early childhood education strengthens families and can break the cycle of poverty.  Professor Heckman’s newest research looks at the life outcomes of Perry Preschool participants at midlife, as well as the outcomes of their own children. After putting the data through a series of rigorous tests, Heckman and his co-author find that the original participants…

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Statement View Statement

As Congress contemplates a major tax overhaul, it has the opportunity to generate revenue and a healthier national economy by helping parents with the costs of quality early childhood education and care. One important tax credit strategy comes to the forefront as an effective solution: increasing the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) to…

An Analysis of the Memphis Nurse-Family Partnership Program View Academic Paper

Professor Heckman’s latest research is a critical analysis of the Memphis Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) program. This research puts a widely-known voluntary home visiting program through its most rigorous analysis to date and finds short- and long-term impacts for mothers and their children. Select download to review the full academic paper. Learn more at The University…

Nurse-Family Partnership: Parental Education and Early Health Result in Better Child Outcomes View Summary

Read the latest summary of Professor Heckman’s research on the Memphis Nurse-Family Partnership Program. This research puts a widely-known voluntary home visiting program through its most rigorous analysis to date and finds important short- and long-term impacts for mothers and their children. Learn more at The University of Chicago’s Center for The Economics of Human Development.…

Early Childhood Education View Academic Paper

Professor Heckman’s new paper detailing the benefits of high-quality early childhood education, the markers of high-quality programs and the need for society to increase access to these programs for more children. To view the one-pager on this paper, click here.