Heckman Equation Shareable Graphics: Make Your Case View Share Graphic

Use Heckman Equation research to make the case for high-quality ECE on your social networks, websites, presentations and other digital materials. This assortment of shareable graphics includes most-used graphics, like the Heckman Curve and 13% ROI, as well as new graphics on topics such as fadeout and mothers in the workforce.

Perry Preschool: Intergenerational Effects Graphics View Share Graphic

These share graphics and accompanying social post copy highlight key research takeaways from Professor Heckman’s paper, Intergenerational and Intragenerational Externalities of the Perry Preschool Project. Use these graphics on your social media platforms to share the multi-generational positive impact that high-quality early childhood programs can have on families and society. Access a research summary to…

Shareable Graphics: Gender Differences in the Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program View Share Graphic

These graphics highlight key research takeaways in the Gender Differences in the Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program paper. As with most early childhood studies, they find that quality early childhood education benefits low-income children, but they also find significant differences by gender. Although all children benefit most from high quality care, girls show some…

Shareable Graphics: Lifecycle Benefit an Influential Early Childhood Program View Share Graphic

These shareable graphics highlight key takeaways of Professor Heckman’s latest research, “The Lifecycle Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program.” The research shows that high-quality birth-to-five programs for disadvantaged children can deliver a 13% per year return on investment—a rate substantially higher than the 7-10% return previously established for preschool programs serving 3- to 4-year-olds.…