A Scaffolding of Support: 8 Guiding Principles View Summary

Here are outline eight guiding principles for effective investments in early childhood development that promote positive social and economic outcomes by building a “scaffolding of support” around disadvantaged young children and their families. When Professor Heckman presents his research on the economics of early childhood to policymakers and advocates, one question is often asked: “If…

4 Big Benefits of Investing in Early Childhood Development View Summary

Preventing the achievement gap, improving health outcomes, boosting earnings and providing a high rate of economic return—this one-page document summarizes the benefits of investing in quality early childhood education for disadvantaged children. This document is often shared with policymakers, advocates and the media to make the case for early childhood education. Improving the economy, strengthening…

The Heckman Curve View Share Graphic

The Heckman Curve shows that the highest rate of economic returns comes from the earliest investments in children, providing an eye-opening understanding that society invests too much money in later development when it is often too late to provide great value. It shows the economic benefits of investing early and building skill upon skill to…